Ataca & La Alemana direct Island Touch Dance which teaches Salsa & Bachata classes in Tampa, FL.
Ataca Jorgie and La Alemana ( follow up their Te Extrano routine with Baby Baby by request from Steve Styles and Danny D of Xtreme ( ).
Ataca and La Alemana have taken the world by storm with their style of dancing and teaching Bachata. Their break-out routine Te Extrano has over 8 million total views. They have performed on stage with Xtreme, Toby Love and Big Mato.
If you are a director or an artist who wants choreagraphy for a video or for your concert dancers that incorporates the Domincan spirit yet is infused with the urban Touch today’s listeners and dancers want, then Island Touch can provide that for you. Email us at
They teach workshops all over the world on how to dance bachata and perform bachata.
Video edited by Leepa Productions: